
Eligibility Criteria
The Audi Environmental Foundation is guided in all project decisions by its statutes. In addition, the focus should always be on combining environmental education with forward-looking, innovative concepts and modern technology. The aim is to make a holistic contribution to a sustainable human-environment system.
1. The projects that are funded are first and foremost those that
- as a result of innovative technologies, have an impact on socio-ecological challenges and are therefore geared towards sustainable improvement of our ecological environment,
- do not just focus on nature or the environment alone, but make a contribution to a sustainable human-environment system,
- link environmental issues with education-related matters,
- as a model project, depict an ideal example for other setups,
- develop nature and environment protection, by translating research into practical action.
2. The areas that are funded are
- advancement of the development of environmentally compatible technologies,
- protection of the natural necessities of life for humans, animals and plants
- and support of measures and activities involved in environmental education.
Projects from applicants that will not be funded are those that concern:
- Events (workshops, conferences, etc.)
- Image campaigns, advertising and public relations
- Student research projects and diploma and doctoral theses
- Scholarships
The public-benefit status of the applicant and the project that is applied for must be proved. The provisions of § 52 para 2 of the Abgabenordnung (German Fiscal Code [AO]) or a similar legal definition from a country outside of Germany apply here.
Relevant documents
Eligibility criteria
2 pages, EN
181.6 KB
General Conditions of Award
2 pages, EN
121.5 KB
Notes for applicants
Applications to Audi Environmental Foundation GmbH may be submitted informally by email to at any time. The application must be submitted as a 3-4-page project outline, which should contain at least the following information:
- Purpose, contents, duration and costs of the project
- The project partner(s)
- Proof of the public-benefit status
On the basis of the submitted project outline, the Foundation checks whether the project can be considered for support by Audi Environmental Foundation GmbH. If the project is eligible to be considered for support, the Foundation develops a detailed project application together with the applicant. A decision is made on the project in a company meeting according to the strategic orientation of the Foundation.